5 Ways to Announce Ticket Price Increases Effectively

High School Theatre Performance

As part of our blog series on navigating ticket pricing increases effectively, we’ve reached our conclusion – how to announce higher ticket prices successfully. We’ve already covered how to know when it’s time to raise prices, how to get creative with additional perks to offset the higher costs, and why you should increase pricing. For our final blog in this ticketing series, we’re covering five ways to effectively announce ticket price increases.



Best Time to Announce a Change in Ticket Prices

1. Timing is Everything:

The timing of your price announcement can make all the difference between collective groans or a robust round of applause. Like any decision that’s going to impact your patrons, it takes careful planning and clear communication to make the news easier to take. So, don’t simply drop the news on a random Tuesday and hope for the best. Instead, make it part of a positive event—like a season announcement gala or even a volunteer appreciation night. You know, the kind of event where everyone’s in a good mood, enjoying refreshments, and already feeling warm and fuzzy about the upcoming performances. This way, the price change feels like a natural part of something exciting, not a corporate email from your car insurance company telling you your rates went up.

And here’s a fun twist: announce your new ticket prices and—wait for it—no more added fees! Everyone loves that moment when they’re about to check out and see, “No hidden fees!” People hate those pesky surcharges tacked on at the end, so why not absorb those fees into the slightly higher ticket price and make it feel like a win-win? Rather than focusing on a few extra dollars, they’ll be relieved to know the price they see is the price they pay. “No more processing fees!” Cue that robust applause we were talking about earlier!

2. Pick the Right Moment:

If you’re raising ticket prices, timing really is everything. People are much more receptive to change when they’re feeling the love—like after an especially successful performance, at a season preview night, or during an award ceremony where you’re accepting praise for how amazing your last production was. 

Picture this: you’re up there giving a heartfelt speech about the theater’s fantastic year, maybe even holding an award for best community performance, and then boom, you casually slip in the price change announcement. It could sound something like this: “Oh, and as part of continuing to bring you these marvelous productions, we’re adjusting our ticket prices a bit. But here’s the good news: no more hidden fees!” By tying the announcement to something positive, you make it feel like part of the ongoing success story, rather than an inconvenient fact of life.

Or better yet, combine the announcement with a volunteer appreciation night—invite anyone who helped behind the scenes last season and use that feel-good moment to drop the price change. They’ll be too busy celebrating to notice, and your message will be wrapped up in a nice, positive package.

3. Turn the Announcement into a Party:

Why stop at just telling people about the price increases when you could turn it into a whole showcase event?! Throw a “Behind-the-Scenes” reception where you unveil your new season show lineup, give sneak peeks of upcoming shows, and, oh yes, reveal the new ticket prices. Serve some bubbly, some pizza or cupcakes, raffle off exclusive early-bird tickets, and offer tours of the improved lighting or sound systems you’re so proud of – you know, the enhanced production features the ticket increases are paying for. Heck, throw in a meet-and-greet with the cast, and make the event so special that people are happy to pay a little more.

After all, people like to know what their money is paying for. Plus, on top of all that, they’re getting top-notch entertainment and memories for a lifetime, right? By the time you mention the price increase, they’ll be too dazzled by the VIP treatment to mind.

4. Highlight Value in the Announcement:

When announcing new ticket prices, focus on the improvements and the exciting experiences patrons will get for the extra bucks they’re spending. Instead of simply saying something like, “Ticket prices are going up,” try something like, “We’re upgrading your experience with improved sound, lighting, and top-tier performances.” Explain how the increased revenue will help enhance what they already love—whether it’s higher-quality productions, more comfortable seating, or even supporting local artists. Essentially, make them feel like the ticket price increase is part of creating an unforgettable show, which, spoiler alert: it absolutely is!

Here’s a bonus tip: don’t just stop at the improvements. Use this announcement to promote new loyalty perks, like discounted concession stand deals for early-bird buyers or a members-only backstage tour. When patrons see that their money is going toward something tangible, like better shows or cool perks, they’ll feel less like they’re simply being charged higher fees and more like they’re investing in their overall theater experience.

5. Use Multiple Channels to Communicate:

The announcement shouldn’t just be a whisper on your website or hidden in the last paragraph of an email. Be proactive about it – otherwise, it might look like you’re trying to disguise it! You want to shout it from the rooftops (or at least through every digital channel you’ve got). Send out an email blast with a catchy subject line, something like, “Exciting Changes Coming to Our 2025 Season – No More Hidden Fees!” Post it on social media with fun behind-the-scenes content of rehearsals or sneak peeks of your upcoming shows. Update your website’s homepage to reflect the new prices and maybe even include a countdown to the last day people can grab tickets at the old rates. Transparency is crucial, but so is excitement which can be even more motivating and powerful when it comes to influencing your patrons!

Here’s another bonus tip: when it comes to updating your website with the ticketing price information, don’t forget to include an FAQ section because we all know someone will ask, “Wait, but why are prices going up?” Answer common questions head-on, like how the additional revenue will help fund future productions, cover rising costs, and eliminate those annoying hidden fees. The more upfront and transparent you are, the more your patrons will feel like they’re part of your theater’s success story, not just footing the bill for it.

Increasing Ticket Prices Can be Daunting, But You’ve Got This

At the end of the day, while no one enjoys paying more for things, it’s often necessary in order to continue to enhance the experience your patrons are accustomed to. By strategically identifying the right time to announce ticket price increases, to creatively adding perks to offset any sticker shock, you’ll still have happy patrons and world-class performances for the year ahead. So, go ahead and raise those ticket prices, you’ve got this!

About Ludus

Ludus simplifies event ticketing and delights patrons. Our all-in-one suite of event management solutions has you covered from ticket sales to final curtain and everything in between. Thousands of organizations from K-12 schools to professional theaters to dance studios across the country have trusted Ludus to power their ticketing, marketing, fundraising, and registration needs for nearly a decade. For Ludus, we believe in bringing people together through shared experiences. Contact us today or book a demo to find out how Ludus can make your next event successful.

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