Four Unique Ways to Use Ludus for Audition Sign-ups

Theater director setting up audition sign-ups using the Ludus platform.

The world of theater is a beautiful chaos of creativity, passion, and meticulous organization. If you’ve ever found yourself caught in the whirlwind of production schedules, casting decisions, and last-minute changes, you know that anything that can streamline your process is a godsend. Enter Ludus—a platform initially designed for ticketing, fundraising, and all things related to bringing your shows to life. But here’s the twist: Ludus isn’t just for selling tickets anymore. With a bit of creativity, it can be the perfect tool for managing your audition sign-ups, even though it wasn’t originally built for this purpose.

Let’s dive into how you can use Ludus in four ingenious ways to handle your audition sign-ups, ensuring that your casting process runs smoother than ever.

Setting Up Auditions as an Event

First up, think of your auditions as an event. This might sound obvious, but with Ludus, treating auditions like one of your ticketed performances opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.

To get started, you’ll want to create a new event in the Ludus system—let’s say, “The Phantom Auditions.” Under the “Seating Type,” select General Admission, but instead of selling tickets, you’re controlling how many eager thespians can sign up. Limiting the number of “tickets” (read: audition slots) is an option here—whether you’re capping it at 50, 100, or 200, you have full control over how many participants can sign up.

Once you’ve set up your event, the next step is configuring the details. Enable the waitlist feature, just in case your production of “Les Misérables” attracts more hopeful singers than you anticipated. And here’s a pro tip: consider disabling ticket transfers to avoid the chaos of participants swapping audition slots like they’re trading baseball cards.

Adding a required form to the registration process is also a must. Think of it as your virtual audition sheet, where performers can provide all the necessary details—name, contact info, the role they’re auditioning for, and whether they’re ready to belt out “On My Own” in front of a live audience.

But what about the timing? With Ludus, you can add specific event times, labeling them to differentiate between types of auditions—whether it’s vocal, dance, or acting callbacks. You can even stagger arrival times in small increments, keeping the waiting area from becoming a buzzing hive of nervous energy.

Want to avoid large groups of performers waiting around for hours until you can see them? The Staggered Arrivals tool is great for managing that. Establish any intervals you like (5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc) and you’ll be sure you only have the number of participants you want for each audition slot.  

In the end, your patrons (aka potential cast members) will experience a streamlined process. They pick their audition time, fill out the form, and voila! They’re all set, leaving you to focus on the important stuff—like deciding whether they’re a Christine or a Carlotta.

Setting Up Auditions as a Standard Collection

Not all auditions are created equal. Some productions require you to gather more information, and that’s where Ludus’s Standard Collection feature comes in handy.

Imagine you’re casting for “A Christmas Carol.” Instead of creating an event this time, you set up a Standard Collection for your auditions. The beauty of this approach is its flexibility. You start by filling in the basic event details, but here’s the trick: set a payment deadline (even though no payment is being collected) and hide it from public view. This little hack keeps your options open and your process organized without confusing the actors.

Next, you’ll want to upload any necessary documents—an audition guide, character breakdowns, and maybe even a PDF of the sides they’ll be reading. But the star of this process is the form. Each participant must fill out this form, and here’s where you can get a bit clever. Limiting registrations to one performer at a time makes sure that each hopeful actor gets the attention they deserve. Parents can still register multiple kids, but you’ll maintain a clear, organized list of participants.

Now, configure your collection settings. Should you enable the waitlist? That’s up to you, but if your production is as popular as “The Nutcracker,” you might want to keep that option open. Under pricing, create a free fee titled “Audition Reservation,” and limit how many times one person can sign up—because no one needs five chances to nail their monologue.

For the patron experience, it’s all about simplicity. They select their reservation, fill out the necessary info, and hit submit. You get a neatly organized list of auditionees, complete with all the forms and details you need to make casting decisions with confidence.

Setting Up Auditions Using the Classes Feature

Sometimes, your auditions aren’t just auditions—they’re more like masterclasses. When you’re casting a show with a diverse range of roles, like “Into the Woods,” Ludus’s Classes feature can be a game-changer.

In this approach, you create separate classes for each type of audition. Maybe you’ve got “Adult Auditions” for those vying to be the Baker or the Witch, and “Child Auditions” for the many young hopefuls ready to embody Jack or Little Red Riding Hood. Fill in the basic class information, upload a detailed PDF, and attach a form to collect everything from headshots to conflicts with rehearsal dates.

Class settings are where the magic happens. Turn on the waitlist feature and set an attendee limit—perhaps 100 participants per class. This way, you’re never overwhelmed by too many sign-ups. You can even create a specific category for these auditions, keeping them neatly separated from any actual classes you might be offering.

When it comes to pricing, stick with a free fee, but you might choose different fee types depending on the class. For instance, using the “Under 18” fee type for children’s auditions ensures you keep everything organized by age group.

For the patrons—parents in this case—it’s all about ease. They can register their child, fill out the necessary forms, and check off their audition to-do list with minimal hassle. Meanwhile, you get a clear overview of who’s auditioning for what, making it easier to plan your casting sessions.

Setting Up Auditions Using the Volunteer Management Feature

Lastly, we venture into a slightly unconventional but brilliantly effective territory—using Ludus’s Volunteer Management feature for your auditions. Yes, you heard that right. When your production has a lot of moving parts, like a community theater staging of “Oliver!” or a school production of “High School Musical,” this method can be your best friend.

Start by setting up volunteer roles that correspond to your audition categories. For example, you could have roles like “Vocal Audition,” “Dance Audition,” and “Acting Callback.” These roles are essentially placeholders for your different types of auditions.

Next, create volunteer opportunities that correspond to your audition dates. Assign shifts—these will be your audition slots—and link them to the roles you created. The beauty here is that you can set the maximum number of participants for each role, ensuring you’re never swamped with too many performers at once.

Attach the necessary forms, tweak the settings to fit your needs, and you’re set. The patron experience is straightforward: performers sign up for a shift, select their role, fill out the form, and are ready to go. It’s an organized, no-fuss way to handle what can often be a chaotic process.


There you have it—four creative, effective ways to use Ludus for audition sign-ups. Whether you’re organizing a small student production or a large community theater event, these methods give you the flexibility and control you need to make your audition process smooth, efficient, and, dare we say, enjoyable.

With Ludus, you’re not just managing auditions—you’re setting the stage for your next great production. So go ahead, give one of these methods a try, and watch as the audition process becomes just as polished as the final performance. The stage is yours!


Can I use Ludus for other theater-related tasks besides audition sign-ups?

Absolutely! Ludus is designed to handle ticketing, fundraising, and event management, making it a versatile tool for all your theater needs.

Can I collect audition fees through Ludus?

Yes, you can set up a fee structure for your auditions using any of the methods described, though it’s often easier to keep auditions free and focus on collecting fees later in the process.

Can I customize the forms that participants fill out during the sign-up process?

Yes, Ludus allows you to create custom forms tailored to your audition requirements, ensuring you gather all the necessary information.

What if I need to change audition times after sign-ups have already begun?

Ludus makes it easy to edit event or class times even after registrations have started, though it’s best to notify participants of any changes as soon as possible.

Can I use Ludus to manage callbacks as well?

Definitely! You can create a separate event, collection, or class for callbacks or simply use the Volunteer Management feature to schedule these sessions.

How do I prevent participants from signing up for multiple audition slots?

Using Ludus’s “Limit Per Patron” option, you can restrict participants to a single sign-up, keeping your audition process fair and organized.

What are you waiting for?

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